Thursday, June 6, 2019

Can You See the Big Picture of Salvation?


Sometimes we get too close to our problems and fail to see the larger framework that God is working out in history.

The Judeo-Christian bible teaches us that history is moving toward a divinely appointed goal, and it helps if we step back and look at it from a big picture perspective.  This approach is like looking at the top of a puzzle box to see how the puzzle pieces fit together to form a picture.

To help us see the big picture of salvation, the following four thoughts are worth considering:
1. The reason is bigger than the rescue.
2. The play is not over until the fat lady sings.
3. The earth is not the center of the solar system.
4. Surgeons require more training than mechanics.

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Table of Contents

1. The Reason is Bigger Than the Rescue
     Salvation in Three Tenses: Past, Present, Future
     Salvation as Going to Heaven When We Die
          Heaven on Earth
          God’s Permanent Residence
     Salvation as Fire Insurance
     Reasons for the Rescue

2. The Play Is Not Over Until the Fat Lady Sings
     How Long, O Lord?
     Slow, But Sure
     A Multi-Phase Project
     Evil's Days Are Numbered
     The Theodicy Problem

3. The Earth Is Not the Center of the Solar System
     Is Our Frame of Reference Wrong?
     Man at the Center
     Christ at the Center
     Why Did God Create Us?
     A God-Centered Gospel Message
     The Lord’s Prayer – A Pattern

4. Surgeons Require More Training than Mechanics
     The High Calling
     The Sanctified Obtain the Inheritance
     The Training
     The Suffering
     The Pursuit
     The Prize Winners
     The Glory

To download the full text of this article in PDF format, click on the link below: