Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lord Jesus I Need You

Lord Jesus, I need your salvation
To rescue me from my sins.
Lamb of God take away my transgressions
Please cleanse me and wash me again.

Lord Jesus, I need a physician
Who knows how to heal broken bones.
Disappointments and failures compounded
Have wounded and taken their toll.

Lord Jesus, I need strength to press on
Weak knees are collapsed, arms hang low.
Help me rise once again to the battle
To live holy, to conquer my foes.

Lord Jesus, I need rain from heaven
Flow over the withering vine.
Restore and renew deep within me
Let my voice sing again songs of Zion.

Lord Jesus, I need your direction
To show me the way I should go.
Time is short, and I want to be faithful
You're the shepherd, your voice help me follow.

Lord Jesus, I need you above all
Who else can compare, there is none.
Please finish in me what you started
Stay close by me 'til my work is done.

Ed Taylor, October 2012