Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bible Verses about Creation

When we think of creation we usually think of just a few biblical references, usually Genesis 1 and 2, Proverbs 8 (Lady Wisdom) and probably John 1 (Christ, the Logos as creator alongside God the Father).

But the Bible has a lot more to say about creation than just those familiar verses... it mentions creation or Creator/Maker in more than 130 different passages spread out across 35 books.  We can get a much more complete and nuanced picture of divine creation by searching out and reflecting on all these other references.

Below is a compilation of the texts in the Bible having reference to the creation of the cosmos and its inhabitants. Note: the bold emphasis is mine.

Translation: NASB
Passage Count: 138
Last updated: 9/27/2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Biblical Cosmos (Part 1) - Introduction

This article begins a series of blog entries which explore the Biblical view of the universe.

Some of the questions to be addressed include:
  • What are the primary components God created in the universe? By components I mean realms, beings, important things/places.  Visible and invisible.
  • What Biblical names and roles are associated with each component?
  • What metaphors, imagery and symbolism does God use to communicate the reality of the universe so that all people (ancient and modern) can comprehend it?  It is assumed this language transcends civilizations, cultures and empirical knowledge (pre-scientific vs. now).
  • How are the various components of the universe structured and related to each other?
  • Which beings/things inhabit each realm?  What movement or relocation from one realm to other realms exists?
  • What components of the universe have changed or will change over time and how?
  • Where do we fit in? What is our place and purpose in the cosmos?